Tuesday, December 29, 2009

tis post is specially for tis lady over here .
its her pop dae today .
she shud be enjoying her life off today yaww .
and anw , im really sorry for posting late .
couldnt manage to touch hold of my laptop uh .
anyway , akak , dah naek umur 15 ah eh .
hah , soooo yeah . wish u long life and be happy always .
so ms hazirah from perogolz ,
again i wud like to wish u
Saturday, December 26, 2009
yeah , had THE chance
peepz . hey .
......... sound weird for an intro .
anyway , house conditions seemed to be upNdownz ah . but at least , IT has itssssss ....... GOOD ?
alrite , anyway , off+ing to watch sg idol later on wit mimie and co .
and somehow , meeting farhan n marissa i guess ?
and shit ,
what to wear ?
seriously , what to wear ?
blank .
anyway , guah miss sama luuu ahhhh beb . betol ahhhhhhhhh .
huh ? who dis person ?
no way , im tellin ahhh .
rahsia perkahwinan .
... wtf ?
anddddd to you babes .
> guah bukan marah siot . betol aku ckp . guah seram lagik ader . but its ok . take ur time to cool down aite . and one thing for sure , i do care bout 'what's-happening-now' . aku stakat takder hp jer . klau dah ader , aku nk sial contact2 ngn korang . but its ok . swearing the moment hp's retrieved , imma kol u bebz . <
andddd atiqah , jus wat do ppl kol u ??? Geetot ? Meetot ?
God , im owned .
Fiq , ni sumer kerjerrrr kauu dahhhh .
and mimie , im sooo loving u for the tickets ahhh eh .
cousinly love uh .
k guys , better end here . guah mau pikiak2 uh wat clothes to wear . ciaozzz .
u spin me round .
wait , spin or swirl ?
k , im so effing not good at this ,
Thursday, December 17, 2009
and yeah , we're back .
hey dudes and dudettes .amacam lu sumaa ?
baek ?
anw , first things first , izzit true perogolz are back in a piece ?
coz , if itzza true , then congrats yaww .
feeling nice for them .
really .
andddd ,
home is HELLer now .
sis and bro went counsins's house , leaving me and my sister alone .
like wtf ahhhh . mendak babiz siot .
but hope u guys have fun ah .
enjoy life there to the fullest .
soo , its just me , ibubapakz , sis , and this laptop of mine ..
fuck crap . i want lepak siot . but ntah ah , i dunno if im still grounded .
YES , good news .
dier jadi blayar , but extended .
ok ah peepz , nothing further things to be blogged about .
missing HER .
heyhey , guah ngah pikir2 perogolz ah , ngah pikir2 haha uh , ngah pikir2 ebros uh .
cam ner siol ?
Monday, December 14, 2009
bruddarz and sistaz . im updating .
miraculous .
really .
Alrite , sooooooo , hp was confiscated . mio box was taken away . grounded .
obviously , the only things u can afford to do at home : EAT , TV , SLEEP .
That guy is BACK . The bastard in him is back . fuck lahhhh .
anw , had zoo outing ytd . with asyh , fiq , fini , and mimie . sori ah eh fiq , lu nyer ticket guah bagi mimie ah . but doesnt bother u anyway . -.-
thennnnn , had tons of pics taken there . got an incident where HAPRAK , soak her ass in the mini pool while taking pics of us . senang ckp , she got a STAIN .
aft at the elephants of asia show , i remembered something . yes ! that freaking host .
step maner nyer bagos ah bobal . hah . it went on something like this .
Elephants : (sprayspray water at audience)
Us : Eee sial ah .
Me : Siol ah , air kotor siol , dier hembus jer sial .
Host : *in her prasan tone* Don't worry , the water that the elephants spray are as clean as portable water .
An elephant : (shits in the water)
Me : Ah ... so much for clean as portable water . Nenek ko lah sial .
That's how it goes . Confident babi sial . Then , the funny thing is that she got nothing to say bout tat . she changed her topic and went on blabbering wit that fucking accent . surpisingly , the shits density is lighter than water . coz it went on floating . weird . -.-
aft tat , took more pics in the road , then more animals to see , then off back home . at mrt , ktrng mcm budak bodoh siol . but it was fun . serious . the pics we took in the mrt show how much fun we had ah eh . and at boon lay intchnge , parted wit fini . cos she had to take bus . tsk , only if she could walk wit us , lagi bagos siot . but nvm . still had fun wit her . hah .
then , me , mie , asyh , fiq , together lepak at some corner first . did some planning of some stuff and managed to execute it well . except for that "baperKU" part . wtf . but nvm .
thenn , off went back home .
and siol ah , home was hell .
seriously . the charade that we made , wasnt impactful enough ah .
his ego was still strong siol .
fuckkkkkkkkkkk .
and POOF , im grounded . for the whole entire life ? i dunno .
anw , glad ytd was a successful outing and had effing fun like core shit .
so thanks to these people .
and YES , planning to go snow city wit ranjita and peepz .
and YES , planning to go escape/somewhere else wit perogolz .
and YES , mimie , pleassssee uh , book udi satu ticket SG grand finals .
and PLEASE , to that guy at home , tolong ciao dari umah ni cpat2 ah .
PICS > http://syasykes.multiply.com/
ciaoz .
pissed .
glad .
random .
PS : eh , bobal buey per kt sini , nak blayar tu buat hal blayar ah . cpat2 kuar lagi bagos .