Saturday, September 19, 2009
selamat hari rayer
yo peepz , ammmaacaaam ? btw , to all muslims fellas out there , SELAMAT HARI RAYA yaww .
fooooo ~
ramadhan comes so fast yet leave so early .
now hari rayer comes so fast but , will it leave quickly ?
entah lah uh , not my call to make .
alright , im now currently thinking of the stuffs that will happen tomolo .
1. Wash-up , get ready .
2. Go sembahyang kat bawah blok .
3 . siap2 go rumah nenek .
4 . then go to umah sedarer marer sebelah bapak .
Yeah , guess thats it . Confrm kecoh maut punyer . Coz the cuzzin house have like around 42 cousins and 15 aunties uncles sitting in the house . dah confirm punyer ah eh .
shiat , my hp kena confiscate , so this year cannot wish peepz all hari rayer ah .
sorry ah guyz . yeah , so , hope its gonna be a long and fun thing ah eh tomorow .
ok peepz , calo beteh . ciaoz .
P.S : Get to meet my 'long-haven't-meet-missed-that-person-so-much cousin' . Those who know, you all go relek2 ah eh . k baekkkkk .
Thursday, September 10, 2009
buker again ?
hey peepz . lu sumuer amcm . baek ?kae so , ytd had nice time urh , at vivo , harbourfront ,
and unfortunately, GEYLANG .
and today something else urh . Jurong Point urh eh .
but im in dilemma core shit .
coz my aunties and pakcik buker ing at house .
tsktsk , so how urh .
need to think urh . kae peepz , random post .
if jadik anything i'll update .
if nt , guar buat bodoh urk .
kae peepz , i'll take my move . ciaoz .

pics uploaded .
outing . FUN .
hey yaww . so , today had nice BUKER outing wit fiq , asyh , nyny , and fira .really nice . i have to say ,
so firstly, met at bn lay intchnge and met fira and fiq .
fiq , u bastard . laugh at how i wear .
i wore clothing like as if i was going to a function.
high standard urh eh . maut arh eh . and yeah , aft the arrival
of Asyh and Nyny , we all then went str8 to vivo .
roam vivo like hell shit lonng and had fun at toys'r'us . serious .
then , went roaming again .
aft that , went harbourfront and book seats for us eat .
then when ordering food , we were too late , dah buker time.
really , ate that for buker and it wasnt enough urh , i need more . ahah .
for someone like me of course urh . kater udi maut arh eh .
thennnnn , went geylang aft tat to buy asyh's endless craving of DENGDENG .
wooooooo , freakin effing HAWT urh at geylang . naek trauma siol .
nvr going tat place again please urh . *shakes head*
soo , yearh , den aft tat , go roam joo chiat complex and fiqs and my legs
were starting to ache . took a rest . tirred shit .
then planned to go bugis . but i knew i couldnt stay long .
coincidentally , fira had to go also , so went back hme wit her .
parted wit fiiq , nyny and asyh since they want to still go lpak at bugis .
while me and fira went back . talk nicenice urh wit her .
serious . nice convos . ahah , then she keep on ssaying we made her day .
thanks alrite , serious .
so went back home then . and went back had nice talks wit makcikz , my no.1 fanz .
then go bathe and now . im updating .
yeah , pics will be uploaded aite . kae peepz , ciaoz .
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
missing ?
oh shit . i think im missing someone . i dunno why . weird .
no mood currently and yeah , tomorrow is ON alrite .
can't wait . and this is officially the MOST SHORTEST POST
ever written in my whole blog archives . i think ...
alrite , peepz . ciaoz .
Monday, September 7, 2009
weird . im in a trolley , with my big bulky bag in it with a card sayin , 'way to heaven' .
GAWWWD , when i said others ppl lame . eff me . this pics ... taken in sec 2 i think .
this is worse than lame , shiat ! kae fine , i can't believe that was me during sec 2 .
nvmnvm . now this udi mature ledi . grown to a better person , aite . hah , tats it . can't stand
looking at that bloddy KAMINEYYYY pic . k ciaoz .
really stupid update
updating .due to MAJOR boredom .
this is crap . updating because im freakin effing bored .
come on , lets talk . Random start .
okaeeeeeeeeeee , so , Ramadhan have been so far so good .
no 'uzur' incidents this year , so so far , i've been puaser hellz .
nonono , its puaser 'heavenzzz' . *emphasized to mom*
lamez maut .
had stupid pilot course , but enough said , that course was extremely rich in
pilot content . its reall good but too bad , i have no interest .
played with simulator in the com . fun yet , lembarb .
during air race , i push ebrything to FIQ , SYARIL , and SOCK GHIM .
hah , basket .
serious siorl , really lembarb to reach to its destination .
then , aft course of boredom , we're out and i went bck hme wit sakie .
talk crap wit her urh unteeeellllllllll at home also . kes sms arh .
then , aft buker , on9 and discussed about this thurs outing wit fiq.
day confirmed , time meet not confirmed , place not confirm , people coming
not confirmed .
shiat . bt nvm . there's still time . alrite , i gotta end the post fast this time round ,
cause i tend to type posts all long2 one . shiattt . k gotta move peepz . k ciaozz !
PS : 3 months and now ? Haisk , realli gonna miss u babe .