Monday, August 24, 2009
problems ....
dun find this random .. im talking behalf of all who are facing problems .problems ... what are problems anw .
some ppl say , 'they SUCK' , well some enjoys having problems . weird . -_-
problems ... they are really something tat could indeed hurt , and sometime cause AN END ...
people who are facing problems tend to cry .
prople who are facing problems tend to be mad at little things .
people who are facing problems tend to do things they HOPED they dun want to do .
people , who are facing problems tend to be DEPRESSED .
people who are facing problems tend to be emo .
people who are facing problems tend to lose weight .
people who are facing problems tend to worsen their health .
problems ... in many ways , can it influence and spoil .
financial , relationships , friendship , family , health , work and MANY MANY MANY more .
problems are problematic . lik duh . hah .
if not handled with care , it'll worsen and could even come to that extent where its the time
... that you can't handle . and worse , to the situation where ... you want to end that
PRECIOUS life of yours .
never ever ever ever ever ever let those thoughts or feelings even come to your head
as it is seriously deadly . that PRECIOUS life of yours where it has its ups and downs .
dun tell me you're going to end it that easily . come on , i tend to be depressed sometimes .
but wit positive thinking , wit my cliques , wit friends , wit family , wit many more , i stood
strong and nvr let tat deadly thinking even pass me .
im serious , positive thinking leads to the path of solutions . thinking , boost up your speed
on the path . u get me ? if u THINK POSITIVELY , ur path is bright and the solutions will be very
near than wat u expected .
solutions are meant to be thought .
solutions are the HELP in ur problem .
u don't have this , u have to think .
sometimes the solution , are just something u can't handle .
u need someone to help u ? that's fine . nothing to stop u from doin tat .
find someone . to help . im sure there is and there will be someone .
trust me, of all problems of ratings from 1 > 10 , with one being the slightest and ten being
i've undergo and experience problems from level 1 to level 10 before ,
and i've passed . its hard , its really hard to forget , to let go .
but it paid off . it will pay off , and make ur life better and easier .
during those times , sometimes i just felt like i cannot take it .
sometimes , i felt unbearable .
but , i think . i think in a way that , 'the world doesn't end here . i've got peepz , my family and more' , those sort of thinking , in other words , i thought positively .
it takes time , but who cares . as long as you feel good , that wud help .
for eg , take a wound for example .
who cares how long it'll take to recover , as long as you're eating the right supplements that
could heal your wound , wud be alrite . seriously .
some might hear my sayings before , some might don't .
so peepz , i wish i could write more .
but i'm lazy . i want you to think . its ur future , you're dealing with .
so, peepz . think positive . and rmbr , those problems u faced ,
are not going to be THE CAUSE OF THE END OF UR LIVES .
alrite , ciaozzz ppl .
Friday, August 21, 2009
no waaaay , fini bdae X puaser ?

finally , ur dae came . so much counting and finally it came .
hahah , now no more counting uh like tat .
hah . and yeah , to think back those days where we really had fun giler .
pioneer mall mcdnlds outings ; wit asyh , hafiz , and u .
those daes were great uh eeyyy . hahahh .
cannot forget uh eh . the outingz where we went really close with one another...
hah .
and now , it came back .
with u , asyh and fiq . and im liking these daes as well .
hah , haissshhh . it juz feels nice thinkin about these . hah .
-_- , kae , i'm off topic . hah , soooo , my DEAREST fini and my RSNY , HAPPY BDAE YAWW .
may u enjoy ur dae todae alrite , somehow . o.O
okaeee , shit . im feeling thirsty already . gawwwd . wish me luck for today's feasting .
P.S : happy feasting all . ;)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
flag day , gerek per .
heyheyhey people. sorrieee late babi to update . hahah . having too much fun stuff uh .
firstly , cyng , im grateful we're really back and we noe our mistakes . nice . lub u ah beb .
secondly , flag day . something really nice .
seriously . gerek dokkk .
supposed to meet fiq and asyh and others at macdnlds
but eff some probz at home and tat EFFING BUS DRIVER ! buttho .
yeah , so came realli late . many called . syaril , dilip , fiq , santhiya and more .
soooo , supposed to had movie wit dilip and ranjita but
ranjita mother dun let , and i dun want to go uh lik tat .
then , saw hazirah on the way in . she called me to accompany for awhile .
aft taking her donating tins , we went straight to mac . psl 'lapar' .
heheh . paderhal nak 'shock' kn bdak tu uh eh .
people hu noes , between u and me peepz .
so , saw ebros , hahaz and asyh and fini .
so we went sitting at some seats REALLY close to them , me and hazirah .
someone looked really tense ahh eh . duduk dkat2 ngn dier .
again , u noe , i noe eh peepz .
soo , went help to buy some milos for asyh and fini .
then come back , saw vinu and she went off wit hazirah .
i was like 'gawwwdd , just when the fun is about to BEGIN . ' puck btol .
then , one by one all start to go out .
hahaz went out , ebros went out ,left wit me , fini , fiq and asyh .
soo , they accompanied to take my donating tin first before we go out .
soo after taking , went straight to GEK POH and voila ,
im d first one and the only maintained one to GET MANY PEOPLE to donate .
heh , *kembz* , u must have the skill .
i make the best PUPPY FACE ah eh . maut sial aku bobal .
then , went in , and most ppl came to me and put some money . hah .
then , second most was asyh . third most was fini . last , fiq . kwek kwek .
BAH . and yeah , bought bubble teas and shitz ,
tat pathetic bubble tea aunty gave asyh money . and not me .
cos i bought the other shop's bubble tea . lik so wat sey .
damn u aunty . hah . watch out , u watch out... *gives stern face*
and then , lpaked at KFC . ktrng syiok sendiri sial .
wit syafiq screaming at his own game . -_-
asyh ngah staring at the cloudy skies and dreaming . -_-
fini enjoying her bubble tea . hah . -_-
and me , staring at all of them . -_-
baek per . but then we stepped out of tat , and took some pics .
pics avalaible at fiq's bloggie and fini's bloggie i think .
and then , aft tat , we ventured to find someone's house but i kinda forget the way uh .
carik2 nyer carik , tk dpt. core shitz .
last2 , kiter serang umah ASYH . hah , went her hhouse , and her house DAMN COOL .
something really stuck me sia . it was the nice and clean marble floor .
better than my grandma house's floor sia. hah .
then saw ASYH youngyoungyoung pic . cute and chubby uh .
tk mcm skrng. hah . lek uh maen2 ah eh .
sooo , yeah . she served us 'syrup' and it was seriously not bad . heh .
quite liked it . and bloody fiq buat umah mcm dier pnyer .
hah , anyhow lie2 at someone house . shouting at his PSP somemore .
then , aft a very nice timing kt umah asyh , we went staight back to put back our tins .
lepas siol . i tot we had to take a second round siaa , cos nvr manage to get half
of the tin filled .
so , then , we went lepaked again kt playground under my nenek's block .
but not for the intention to meet my nenek ahh . got something ah . *kening naek2*
hah . then enjoyed uhhh maen2 kt playground . we camwhored MAUT siaa .
the pics, again, are available in fiq's bloggie and fini's bloggie i think .
really had fun maut and then , we went straight back home uh i think .
i wanted to hang out lebih siol . but wat to do , they had to go home.
then , kes seriously bored rite , went calling fifi and ajaked her walk2 .
talked2 maut uh . i like sia talking to her . she's really understanding maut uh.
lub u beb . alrite2 . then , aft some time , i gotta go back home .
shit , then , kt umah like biaser2 , ngk citer hindustan . pukz . -_-
yeahh , so overall ,really had EFFING funnn uh eh .
i want more of these uh eh . i want more of these nice things .
alrite then , i'll stop here aite ? and dun stop tagging peepz .
PS. : im really sorry if i had hurtt you . but im glad things are sorted out .
Friday, August 14, 2009
Alrite alrite , i'll update tomorrow ah eh . Penat siol ! Hah.
P.S : Hey babe , nak sangat break per ?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
im freakin bored...

Alrite peepz, soooo, today i was absent from sch.
Haha. Perut mintak kenerk sebat ahh.
So recently, im kinda always hangin out with Fifi aka Rafika.
Did HW and had fun ahh eh.
Btwww, there's some in class want to carik gaduh with me uhhh.
Get a life lahh eh. Soo yeaaahh, recently had this Malay Cultural Fiesta.
Okayy lahh. Nice lah. But boring also gottt.
The nicest thing was when i saw AB at there.
I missed her mannn. And she's gettin hotter.
*kening naik2*
Missed herr seriously.
Then when quiz time, Nasuha wanted to accompany me lock the NCDCC door.
She's nice lahh eh. Thanks Nasu.
Went back to AVA room, and watched the grueling match between the schools.
btw, AB was sitting two rows infront me lahh eh. Siak ah. Happy sia me.
Then aft whole thing end,
Sharul, Fira, Syaril, Hazirah, Sakinah, Maww and Shirah went to finish the food off.
Mr Chia like bastard siaa take food. Nenek jual keropok also lose luhh.
Skali, the nenek his wife ehh. Hah. Jk.
Then went back home wit Hazirah, Sharul, Fira and Sakinah.
Bobal RANDOM psl hantu2. Bodoh siol. Ahah.
But kekek uhh.
Then reach home, nvr bathe, sleep.
And yeaahh, the Blazing Race.
Blazing Race was fun at first, but the trouble came in the middle part where we went
lost, blank and you know these things always have the conflicts.
So, yeah, Syaril and me fought verbally in the MRT.
Syaril need to effing low his volume down in watever place he lands on.
He likes to yell. -_- Cis.
Sooo, when we want to come back, skali when we enter the bustop ritee, like a house rite that.
Got free seating luhh, many uhhh.
Abeh jakon ah sial. Hah.
Like nvr see before sia. Then, sleep like swine uhh on the seat.
Reach skool, and we were told that we were the last.
Then, when we enter hall, evryone clap their hands, being sarcastic. Bhah.
Okkkk, nah the pics;

And yeaahhh, lets talk about the FieZy outing. It was nice uhh.
At first, it was suppose to be me and Fifie jerr.
But then, Zizzy alone at home, ask her to join.
Met at McDonalds and we had nice chats.
After that, when i found that my house lock, my family went to my Atuk Bdae Party,
and i have no keys, i decided to go lepak uhhh.
I lepaked with FieZy and they were effing great ah eh.
Went to JP while talk crap, roam JP.
Roam, roam, roam, sekali saw Edy going to watch muvie.
Cis, lucky he nvr go blog siaa. Then, went to Kiddy Palace and played piano.
Heyyy, i'm getting good at it siaa. Serious, not to boast but
i thought that, piano was just something i can't handle.
But now ouhk luhhh.
After that, went back home and took some pics first. Nah.

Zizzy & me, heheh. (nice ke perr) Love this girl.

Fifi and me, heheh. That hair gothics MANN!

The FieZy

3 nice people. Great people. Bah. Jk.
Alrite peepz, i guess that's it yaww. Ouhkk uhhh, ciaozz.
P.S : Expose to wild stuffz, that's not something good at all. *sighs*