Tuesday, January 27, 2009
First time KARAOKEing and i got RECORDED
Yo ppl. So today i was supppose to go to an outing with pals at ECP(East Coast Park) but then my father didn't let me.... URGHHHHHHHHHHHH! (calming down) Okay, relax Rusydi.......
Alrite, so today... i woke up and got to noe that my father and mother will be going out to attend this recording stuff with Kak Nona and Atok. My mom say that Kak Nona and Atok will be recording their voice and later being put in CD and i went like 'OH SHITZZ! SERIOUS?! Can i follow?!!!!!' Yeahh, and so, my parents let me. Hah. Happy lahh seyy! ;)
Yeahh, then went to Bedok, fetch Kak Nona and then Noni also follow. Calefare siaa that girl. XD No lahh just kiddin. Then went Simei and fetch Atok. So, after that, fetch Pak Teh, the ORGANISER of all these stuffs. ;) Thanks Pak Teh. So off we went to the place.
Reach that place and i got to know that i'm supposed to sing as well and i'm like '-_-''' No wayyyy.... im so NOT GOING to singggg!!!!!!!!' So, i was forced to sing. So first person to sing, Atok. Singsingsing then sekali, it was Kak Nona's turn. So she sang so beautifully siaaa. So singsingsing skali it was Noni's turn. Noni voice is she put in effort more, i'm tellin you her voice will be no DIFFERENT than Misha Omar's voice. DAMN POWER!
So after Noni, i thought it was my turn but then, Mom wanted to sing and so, without hesitation, i quickly let her. I was like 'Phewwww! *wipe sweat*' It would be my officially 'FIRST-TIME-SINGING-TO-A-CROWD' if i were to sing. So, Mom sang and she ROCKED! Nice song choices she chose. Serious siaaa. And so after that, all left was me.
The UNPREPARED and NERVOUS me.... OMG, i was totally blank. Luckily, Mom and Kak Nona gave me some good songs to sing. Mom asked me to sing Sayang Sayang by Aliff Aziz and Kak Nona asked me to sing Hari Ini Dan Semalam by J. Mizan. So, slowly i took the mic and off i went singing. Oh gawwwddddd. It was scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I felt SUPER-DUPER-FUPER NERVOUS!!!!
Managed to sing perfectly for 'Hari Ini Dan Semalam' but as for 'Sayang Sayang', i didn't did very good because i DON'T listen to Aliff Aziz but then, i have no other choice. So after that, it was time to hear the recordings of our voices. So all were happy with their singing but i was not. I didn't felt good at all. Nevermind2.
So, after that, i thought we will get our CD copies of our recordings but then the DJ said that he'll be sending the recordings to one place where they will improve more on our recordings and then they'll inform us when its ready. I immediately went like 'YESSSAAAAAAAA!' I hope my edited recording will be much more pleasing than the original one. But i'm really happy and satisfied that i managed to overcome one of my fears. FACING THE CROWD. Well, this might be just be the BEGINNING...... Cehh like real like that. Hah. Okay lahh. So after all those RECORDING stuffs, send Noni, Kak Nona, Atok and Pak Teh home and then, we went straight home. Too bad my siblings didn't get a recording. Hah. Serve them right. (2 lah, nak tido umah orang kann....) Alrite, maybe i stop here lahh. Keep taggin people. ;) Alrite ciaozz ppl!
Alrite managed to take some pics and here they aree....

Step MTV siaa both of them. Stepping like the hair blowing. XD

XD HAHAHAHAHAHA. Muker Nona. Haha. Tk leh ANGKZ siaaa!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD The FUNNIEST picture for me! Look at HER FACE! Stepping siaaaa!

Yeaahhh, 'Atas Nama Cinta' by Rossa. Noni's song choice. ;)

Haisshh, Noni sing sad song ahh until Mom also cry. :(
Okeyy thats Ibu singing and Mas face is like 'WTH!' So another CANDID. XD

Ishishish. Noni like female TERMINATOR siaaa. XD Mas face kena cover. PADAN MUKA! XD

Okey.... what is my mom doing... Ohh, she scratching her butt lahh... -_-''

MAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! (step singing lahh)

Yupz, my mom song choice, 'Rama Rama' by Ella. Baik ke perr!?

Okey Mas being a CALEFARE again. XD
Krick...Krick...Krick... Okay, no comments.... -_-
Sunday, January 25, 2009
shiokkk time
Alrite yawww, lets get on with blogging. So, long time nvr update and many things happened. ;) So, last thursday, school was okayokay and after school stayed back. Raden and i went to 3E6 to help them with painting. So, it really was GEREK ahh. Serious. With James, Hafiz, Aisyah, Raden, Nasuha, Diyanah, Fini, Herlina, Nazrynn, Hazirah, Mavis, Ross, Sharul and the others it was an experience that i can't forget. Hah. So, taketake pictures and most of them i took were candid. And here they areee...
Candid yawww. The girls damn busy, the guys can playplay somemore. Hah. XD
What siaa, they looking2? *think2* Ohh, i understand2. Nevermind don't want to disturb...
Cehh, Hafiz seyy. Baju saper nie kau dh curik? XD
Eheh2 Raden. Walauwe, not gentleman siaa. Pushpush girl. Haha. XD
Alrite Ross, muker maintain ahh. Ahah. Nazrynn also ahh. XD
Nazrynn PEACEing. ;)
Fuyohh, Diyanah hardworking siaaa. Ishishish. Careful the 3 girls behind. Like want to stab you like that. XD
Herlina and Aisyah taking pics. XD. Haha. Fini hardworking siaa!
Eheh si menyebok niee. *jeling* Aper senyum2? Balek ah! Cehh tkderlahh, main2 lahh.
Fulamak, Hafiz painting seyyy. Hah. Muker maintain ahh. XD
Haisshh, wat are they looking at ahh? I curious siaa. Like see 1 dinosaur like that. XD.
Ah paint somemore Charis. Go paint somemore! GO PAINT SOMEMORE! -_-! Gler.
See ahh, all peanuts on the floor. This all Raden fault you know. Iskiskisk. Jk. XD Rafie, i noe you want me to take ur pic rite? No need to pretend lahh eyy. ;p
Fish hang-baos for decorating the class. ;)
Ouhhh, Ashraf is the culprit ehhh? You wait, you just wait! *go take cane*
Nasuha and Raden cleaning up the peanuts. Eh where Ashraf? Woahh, he run away ahh?
Ranjita, you want to pang sai ahh? No wonder Vinu face like uncomfortable like that. XD
Hazirah CANDID! Finally got ur pic! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *choke*
Ahh gossip only this 3 girls. Haishh. *dig nose, throw at them*
Mavis, u like first time see a roller. XD. Nevermind lahh. I give you time to play. Go play and then talk urself. XD
Yeahh, it was SUPER DUPER FUPER FREAKIN FUNNN! Serious talking siaa. It was damn fun. And then, Diyanah, Nasuha and the others bought for us McDonalds siaa. Gerek ke perr?! Walauwe, pity them siaa cos i never do many things but then, i ate the most. Bastard siaa me. So hungry until curry sauce also i eat. (haisshh, pecah jugak lobang aku niee) Yeahh, then finish like almost around 7pm. Then, went home with Aisyah and Hafiz and we went to pioneer mall to buy stuffs. We laughlaughlaugh siaaa otw to pioneer mall. Hah. After buying stuffs, went to mac and eat awhile. Then, suddenly, Raden came and joined us. Baik ahh Raden. He said he was hungry and wanted to go Koufu but then went 7 Eleven instead and he bought a large drink and this cracker lahh... Dunno watt.
Fun gler habes. So, after that, went home with Hafiz and then, watched Hannah Montana and slept. Next day, came early to school, followed Hafiz, Aisyah and Diyanah to their class and decorated it. Then saw my classmates, Safirah, Umira and Farhana went to my class to finish up their hamper-making. Called Syaril to come to 3E6 and he went. But he very late ahh. Haisshh. Takperlahh. Then, after that, school time, quite boring. After school, CCA. But before CCA starts, Sharul and me walkwalkwalk around the whole school, talk about something. Then, CCA start. It wasn't as tiring as we thought. It was fun. I mean not that fun, not that boring. Like okayokay lahh. After CCA, Wafi and i changed into our PE and uniforms. Then, i went to drink water at the canteen.
Saw a big commotion. A very big one. Saw SJABians and some NPCCians running here and there with stretchers lahh and many things. Then tried to peep. Then, skali, i was DAMN EFFING SHOCKED to see Mimie lying down, unconscious. At that moment, i immediately throw my bag one side and tried to help mimie. Serious siaa. I couldn't think of nothing else except to help her. I called her family members and they're on their way.
The SJABians people managed to put her on a stretcher and then i followed her to the sick bay. So, at that time, others could not come in except for her close friends, family, the SJAB people and the teachers. So Mdm Rohimah like stepping to become the 'doctor' like that and she questioned Mimie alot of stuffs.
And Mimie eventually was suffering from 'low-on-sugar'. She didn't ate during her recess nor she ate during lunch. And her Malay Dance training was tough. Well, she did made her mistake but i'm sure she will learn it. Then, gave her a drink that was like 'ribena'. So purplish. Then, Mimie started to recover bit by bit. The funny part is when i saw Malik crying. Woahhhh. That was shocking. I could see that he really love Mimie so much. Haisshhh. Then, her family start to come. Abang Aul, Abang Ija, Cik Mawar, Cik Sam, Atok and Nenek. So, i wiped Mimie tears and all. It was nerve-wracking. Seriously.
Took her to the nearest clinic while i went back home. Then, got another shocking news. My uncle just passed away and i was like 'No way..............'. It was a really really bad week. So the next day, went to my Uncle house and slept there. I feel bad towards Kak Ain, Solehan, Syafie and Matsom. They have to be feeling bad that their father passed away/. And Matsom, he has to be in charge of his family so fast and at the same time, he has to continue his studies. Had kenduri and at night, i have to admit, it was really eeyrie. I still feel insecure even though alot of families were sleeping there. And i feel happy that MARISSA and her sister Tasha slept there too. Oh yeaaaahhhh. It fun lahh. Noni, Abang Razzi and Marissa light my day siaaa. Alrite lets roll the pics....
Kak Nona, Kak Ain and Abang Razzi. Abang Razzi2... tsktsktsk.
Aiyoh, why Nona teeth like got problem like that? o.O
From left, Abang Khairi, Sulaiman, Syafir, Mira and Khairul. Candid! ;)
From left, Syafie, Khairul, Mira, Tasha, Mas, Ijan and (not seen person: Noni XD)
It was another great day i had. Ahaaaa. So next day, i couldn't follow them to kubur cos i have an outing with Ranjita, Syaril and Vinushah at Wild Wild Wet. GEREK UHHHH!
So went back home, quickly changed, wait for Abang Razzi to come and guide me to Wild Wild Wet. (-_-'' pathetic me ritee?) Then, went to interchange, bought my standard ticket and waited for Vinushah to come. So Vinushah and i were EXTREMELY LATE! Then the three of us, me, Vinu and my cousin went straight to Pasir Ris station and then from there walked to Wild Wild Wet. Abang Razzi, thanks for everything ehh! If not because of you, confirm we duno where to go want. Then, Abang Razzi had to go home. So, Vinu and i enter the WWW and off we go to find the Syaril and Ranjita.
So soon, we joined them and played many stuffs. Ular-lahlah and many lahhh. Then, after that went to Ranjita's chalet and bathe there. It was SUPERBLY FUNN. So after that, went straight home. Went home and smsed Wafi. Then, sms2, i fall asleep. Haissshhh. Yupz, thats all the happened. So about the outing..... FATHER, TELL ME YOUR ANSWER ALREADY!!!!!!!! Nevermind2. Alrite maybe i'll stop here alriteee. Okay, ciaozz ppl! ;)
Labels: i need an answer now ayah.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
things are like spicing uppppp!
Heyyyooo ppl. Wow, looks like things are starting to spice up already. YEAAAAHHHHH!Okae so lets talk bout yesterday. Today was okayokay. Hah.
So today.... a BIGBIGBIGBIGBIGBIG fight occured during SEL lesson and it was effing SCARYYYY.Tips to the MR.TROUBLE....Okaeee, so you. Yeahhh, i understand you're angry but pleasseee.... get this in mind. She might be like a TOMBOY but still, hellooooo, she's a girl lahh deyyy. You don't have to beat her with books or slap her or somthing... Haissshhh, don't do this to any girls anymore alrite? Its freakin ungentlemanlistic.Tips to MS.TROUBLE....Alrite, you also another fellow. Curse his father for whattt!? Talking about someones' parents are sensitive luhhhh. You knoe wat i meannn.... imagine you're in his shoes... confirm you'll feel the same one lahh eyyy. Alrite, im done with being a COUNSELLOR here. Like calefare siaaa meee do like that. Okaeee then, so lets continue alrite, then recess time like kecohkecoh habes siaaa. Serious. It was hyperrr for me. Then, after that. Core Geog. Watch video clip about volcanoes. (Yawwwnnn....) Okaeee. Then, after that it was Elective History. Hah. Ms Lim lesson was like full with politics. Hah. XD. Her expressions are like so freakin funny. Then after that, dismissal. So, Fira, Sharul, Ros and me went to Gek Poh's KFC talktalk. Haishh, then, Sharul was mad about something. Dunno lahhh about wat. Cheer up buddy. So we talked about MANYMANYMANY things but still no gossips. Hah. Then, 3 plus went to school back and had to meet up with Raden, Aisyah, Hafiz and Susy. Then, we all went to JP. Kecoh siaaa we all. Hah. But great time uhhhh. It was FREAKIN fun. So after that, went straight back to school and went decorating 3E6 class. So they were actually making their hamper and some of them started painting a white layer at the back of their class.So Fini and i went listening to songs and let me tell you this. It was GEREK DONGZZZZ! Yoohooo! Then, Herlina went singing the song, Lucky. So i extraextra become the male singer. It was like shiokkkk lahh! Hah. Then, i sang My Boo. Hah.Yup, then after everything was done, Hafiz and me like usual, go Mcdonalds and go eat. Hah. I only ate curry sauce siaa. Hah. Patheticccc me. Alrite then after that, homed. End of yesterday. So let's talk about last Sunday.So, we had kenduri lahhhh. Went to Aunt house and we are the first people to attend early in the morning around 8 plus. Then slowly, the others came..... but too bad MARISSA wasn't there. Haissshhh. Sadsad.... Okaeee... so it was really gerek with all my cousins there. Yeaahhhh! And Lydia, Fira and Afiq were EFFING CUTEEE! Hah. Lets just roll the picss out lahh eyyy. 
Yeahh, this is my mom..... XD!

Ooooooooooo, Ain eating Pocky luhhhh!

Eh2 Sulaiman. Aper tengok2? Hah. Muker maintain ahh.

Firaaaaaa, you're EFFING cute lahhh! Nice specs btw! *winks*

Hah. Serious siaa. CANDID habes. Solehan and Khairul. Kharul kekek BIG TIME! XD

Abang Razzi kekek siaaa! All the way kekek! XD

Ishishish, children nowadays. Gamesss only. Haishh...

AFIQQQQQQQ! Cuteee luhhh kau! Hah. Alalalalala.

-_-''' This is my irritating brother. Hah. Candid.

Aperdahhh, cover2. Take picture also scared2. Hah. Jk.

Firaaaaaa, you're effing cutee. Gonna pinch you more when we meet next time!

Zilah, Hafiz and Noni. Hah. All kena CANDID! Noni and Hafiz face.... XD

My lovable adekkkkk, Mas! ;) Love you yaww. Abang Razzi like calefare siaa. XD

Ain and Nona, taking pics. At the behind like got somebody like that. XD

Hafiz teaching his 'student', Ijan. Hah. XD
Khairul. OMG, just look at his fingers lahh. SO BIG! o.O
Ohh yeaaahhh, the pics arent that great. So went there, downloaded songs, karaoke, talktalk, sing together as COUSINS and lots moree. Serious siaaa. It was EFFING fun. Everything was fun but how i wish MARISSA and Farhan was here with uss. Haissshh. Alrite yawww.... now have to study Social Studies, tomoro got exam. Okae then, until here alrite. ;) Ciaozzzz!