To all Muslim ppls,
Assalamualaikum ppl. I'm here to actually wish you guys SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN. If i did annoyed or irritate you, im sorry. SERIOUSLY SORRY and i hope you forgive me. I mean this sentence seriously to the core. Well, i can't do anything if you still hate me for some reason, cause i, can't help it you see. *I'll try to change for the better but its better if you guys just tell me my problems. It would be much more better and convenient. Let me BOLD this clearly, its a month of celebration, unity and all the good stuffs, so let us set aside our problems and be good.. its not that hard or difficult. But why....Why make it difficult...i just don't understand this problem... i mean, its really....hard to understand you see.. i have however asked for forgiveness but its up to you ppl now. I mean seriously, its up to you guys* Okeys, next, I am telling to my dear frens, who stood by me when i am really in need and helpless, thank you..... Thank you for all the risks, sacrifices you had done for me.... Its a pleasure, honour, gift from god [you just name it!] to meet you ppl. Um, somemore wat uh.... [alamak forget wat to say uh]... ok lah, lets stop here and once again, i wish you guys SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN!!!
by DAJ aka Rusydi
Ok, its gonna be a big day today ppl for me. Erm2! [Proudly announcing]
1) My Father's Birthday
2) My Cousin's Birthday
3) Visits To The Kuburs
4) Visits To Relatives/Grandparents/[just name it lahh!]
All these... woah, confirm money from 10 cents to $10000 uh... Hah! No lah, not until that much uh. Okey, i plan not to sleep tonight. Prepared coffee for today. I want to celebrate uh. Woah, can feel the happiness already uh. Now, just celebration and study lahh that is important to me cause preparations all FINALLY done and finish! Btw, im quite frustrated on my school you know. The reason for no-half-day was 10% right only and its very unfair as Primary Six students even got half-day when their PSLE exam starts as the same day as us. Its quite... i mean, ITS REALLY UNREASONABLE! Wat to do... the half-day is gone and i don't want to talk about it...really. Oh gawwwdd, im so damn bored here. Everybody here is starting to like get their heads on the bed and like blinking their eyes and im like the only person who's watching the laptop, happy and unblinking. Oh yeah, im sorry todae no pics... okey ppl. I guess this is it. Yup, this is it. Okey then, i wud like to wish a SELAMAT HARI RAYA [again] MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN and have fun in the morning later okeys? Get your stereo-type lungs workin and shoutin but still, dun forget exam-spy gadgets are watching and observing so please, dun forget to study okeys? Hehe. Okeys CIAOS!!! ;)
Hahs. So how? Pretty rite? Song nice rite? I know, i know. All thanks to me lahh. Cehh, just kiddin uh. Hah. Okey luhh, dats all luh for today. Next time we have real chat. Happy fasting to all Malay People! Bb yawwss. Stay healthy and don't smoke okey?! Take care yawwwss... Adios Amigos!

Hey, yo ppl! How are you guys doin? Another day of updating I'll do. Look, my cookie very nice rite..... Dun need to be jealous lah... Hehehe. Hah! Another fun day of school, that's rite. Today, i reach school, dunno why Syaril was mad. Ranjita and me were puzzled. When ask him the reason why he's angry, there's no answer. So, we decided to leave him alone and um, declare the day as 'Leave-Syaril-Alone! Day' but eventually, he seemed to calm down and gets better. Goodgoodgood. Keep it up. Next, RECESS TIME! Fuyoh, we went to the stairs near the PHOTOCOPY shop and sat there and chitchat. Then, Shalini came and entertained Hanisah while Syaril and me talked. Then, nothing to do rite, took pics of them, CANDIT! Here they are.....

Why is Syaril sitting in a WEIRD position? Nvm. Hanisah, you can't run away from the CAMERA yawwss... Too little too late!
Eh3! Smile lik wat seyy! He looks like a CLOWN seyy... sit like that! Bwah!
Funny arh!? Laugh somemore! Laugh lahh! Later thirsty don't come to me, ok!? Serve you right!
I should have activated the 'Flash Mode'... Cannot see lahh.... like wat u noe... like the 'Who's That Pokemon?' Hahah!
Shalini: That Anwar uhh... damn gay lahh he! Somemore can swear to God somemore.... Isk3..
Hanisah: I dun think its his fault lahh.... The victim must be lying you know....
Syaril: Why are they talking about these things uhh!? RUBBISH!!
Rusydi: Yalahhh... Nvm. They like... wat to do?
Hah. That's it for the Recess Pics. Next stop....................... its HOME ECONOMICS ppl! You know wat!? I got F9 for my HOME ECONOMICS.... lik wat sia! Nvm, must buck up. MUST! Ok lahh, just now we are supposed to cook Fruit Cake.... but then turned out to be FRUIT COOKIE. Hah! But fun lahh. This one also i take alot of PHOTOS! Here they go!
Yeahh, our cookies after baked before putting into our containers... Yum2! Like nice seyy! Of course lahh nice, I make wat... eh, i mean.... WE made.. > Me and Syaril
James and Dominic putting their cookies into their baking tray. Hah. Look, James face like relaxed like that but Dominic like STRUGGLING like that... Hah. No offence kaes, Dominic... Hah.
Jun Jie's and Zhan Ting's Cookies... Ehe. Jun Jie face....releks urhh. XD Ok, once again, no offence ok?
Aiyoh, until now, forgot his name lehh... I think he's name Mr. Ragu or wat... Something like dat uhh... Very spontaneous lehh he... Play PSP in class also he let... Hah. Aiyoh, he must run 2.4 km everyday you know! Because he got reservist. If fail, he double his run and must do it everyday until the sirs are satisfied. NAYYEYYY sia the sirs!
Why do these ppl always shy to show their face in the cam urh? Then class photo, do wat, COVER YOUR FACES ARRH! Its not like I DOODLE your faces or wat rite.... Tsk. Nvm lahh. Btw, those ppl are Rebecca, Charis and Miin Wei [the one with the blurr pic]
Ah! PLAY SOMEMORE! Alermak, play can scratch your FACE uhh!? Nonsense! I confiscate then you know uh! Last warning uh BOY! One more time i see you SCRATCH your face while playing, you'll IMMEDIATELY get a beta form! You get that!!!?
Oh look! Only left to put inside baking tray.... Alahh, this one chicken recipe lahh. So easy to make.... Hah. lahh just kiddin. I dun want to be action uhh...
Rusydi: Somebody, wanna go to Heaven with me? You push me you get to go to Heaven? How bout that!? C'mon PPL! COME AND PUSH ME!!!! HELLO!!?
This time... i have included 2 VIDS, ok? And its totally crap. Watch to find. One of my lamest EPISODES ever! I feel regretful to have wasted that part of my life doing this crap. Nvm, just watch it okay? Hah. Ok. C u soon. N um, start studying already ok? All the best! May u succeed. ;) Ok, as usual, ADIOS AMIGOS, ppl!
Hah. That's the video ppl! Have fun with it and um............ok then, i think im done! Nothing more else today seyy. Haha. Ok lah, buhbye yawws. ADIOS AMIGIOS PPL! ;) eh, last words, pls.... DO TAG.... thanks! ;)
Ms Barbie: Hello, my name is Ms BARbie...
Rusydi: Huh!? BABI!?
Ms Barbie: Hey, watch your MOUTH kay! Humph, tk leh tahan,you... ngan ni budak. I'd rather be alone ok.... Evaporate, budak hingos, ive got lots of shopping to do.. Humph. Rusydi : Haiixx......Bapok ni................o.O................................BIOL KE PERRR!?
Syaril: [looking for first aid post] ..... YA ALLAH, tolong lahh, sembuhkan lahh patungku.... Kesian dia.... Isssshhhh.... mana ni FIRST AID!? Help, help! Somebody pls help my doll please!!! She's still young!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [crying]
Assistants: O.O''''''''' Ni orang...... gila ke perr? Eh, call the police rite now! [feeling scared]